
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Doors of subsistence kept opening

Ubqari Magazine - January 2013

Doors of subsistence kept opening:

A sixty years old person came to meet with me for the solution of financial crises of another person who was unemployed. I told him to recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 300 times daily & Insha Allah all problems will solve. The old man smiled and told really this practice is definitely marvelous. I have experienced the practice of Surah Al-Ikhlas for one of my hurdles & after its recitation; no hurdle came in my way. The person told that when he retired, he was worried about his economy; how he could fulfill the expenditures of his family. Any how; he went to the mosque for offering the prayer where he saw a chart which was full of exalt ness of Surah Al-Ikhlas. It was mentioned that if a person recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 200 times daily, God will open 300 doors for him for the excess of finance. I practiced at the same time and prayed to God to solve my problem. When I came home, a friend called soon and offered a home tuition where he taught himself. Actually he wanted to join another job according to his wish so; he offered me his previous job while he didn’t know about my financial crises. That was just help from God with the barkat of Surah Al-Ikhlas. I asked him about the salary package that was just 3000. Although pay package was not good yet I considered it was from God and I accepted and joined happily. After a month owner gave me 4000 rupees I consider it was just mistake and I returned 1000 rupees, he smiled and said that you worked so hard therefore he decided to increase your payment. ‘God is almighty’. Next month he gave me four and half thousand rupees, I was again surprised and he told me when you taught, the grandfather of the children supervised you and he decided your pay ought to increase again because of your hard work. So; in this way my pay package increased day by day.

Humbleness while praying:

The second incident which was told by him was that his one eye was artificial. When the second eye got affected, I contacted a doctor who gave me a date for operation. One day before the surgery, I felt severe toothache in my teeth, gums and molars. Due to toothache I considered my eye could not be saved. At that same time, barkat of Surah Fatiha came to my mind which I had read in a book. A merchant lived in an Arab country. He had a daughter who continuously suffered headache. During this severe pain, she and her family members all wept. One night all family members were restless because of the headache of the girl; her father prayed to God and slept in this condition. In his dream he saw another merchant who was a customer of his shop; he came to his home and performed dum on his daughter. After the dum, the girl was fine. The merchant awoke and looked at his daughter but the girl’s condition was same. In the morning, after taking his breakfast he went to his shop. When he opened his shop; he was much surprised to see that the same merchant he saw in his dream came for shopping. After salaam the owner of shop said that first of all please come to my house and told him about his girl’s condition and dream. The dream merchant came with him and prayed for his daughter. He recited 41 times Surah Fatiha and dum on his daughter but she did not feel any relief from headache. Second time he again recited 41 times Surah Fatiha and did  dum on her but the condition stay the same. He prayed to God in a very humble and requesting manner. Third time he recited 41 times Surah Fatiha and the dum affected the girl. The girl cried with happiness & bowed before God and was thankful to God. She told that she was feeling well as she had never felt before. The occasion teller told when he remembered the exalt ness of Surah Fatiha, he also practiced it at the same time (41 times Surah Fatiha) dum on his right hand and rub on his face. The toothache suddenly disappeared and he never experienced any pain in these 20 years.

Instant relief from backache:

One person came and told me about his back pain sufferings. The doctors and Hakims had failed to give him relief from this pain. Then he started to recite Surah Fatiha (41 times with Tasmia between Farz and sunnah of fajar) he got recovery very soon and never felt the pain again. 

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